Task dependencies and data backup
Now Yodiz already has the task dependencies, but it would be nice if blocked tasks not only marked with "Blocked" state, but also can be hidden in To-Do. Here is an example.
I create two tasks "Task 1" and "Task 2". I assign "Task 1" to myself and "Task 2" to another user. I can't complete "Task 1" until "Task 2" is completed. It's very common situation.
So now I can see "Task 1" in my "New" list all the time, even if "Task 2" is still in progress and I can't start working on it.
I would be nice if I could hide all that blocked tasks, so my To-Do list will be much cleaner and easier to work with.
Also, it would be really cool if Yodiz will allow to backup our projects data (issues/user stories/tasks etc.) in some open format (XML for example). We entrust Yodiz all our development progress and ideas, and we really want to make a copy of all that data time to time and keep it in a safe place outside the service. It's like Google allows you to download all your mail, contacts, calendars and other data in one archive file.
Data backup feature will significantly increase users' confidence in your service.

Vivien de Saint Pern commented
Data backup ! I'd really feel better with this, for sure !