Test Case Management Tool Integration with Yodiz
I would like to know if Yodiz has integration with any Test Case Management tool. Our company uses Yodiz for project tracking but we as QA team would like to have a Test Case repository where we can have linkage to issues and user stories in Yodiz. Let me know if there's any third party Test Case Management Tool which successfully integrates with Yodiz.

Yes it is important next step for Yodiz to integrate with some Test Case Management Tool. We are currently evaluating different tools with open API to integrate with.
We would appreciate, if you share the tools you are using or would be interested in using for Test Case Management along with Yodiz.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team
Martijn commented
I'm a new tester in a scrum team that uses Yodiz. I desperately need a good test management tool, but the lack of integration with yodiz is holding my team back from choosing.
Is there any news?
Nrithya Rajagopalan commented
How about TestRail? Can you provide integration with it?
Mamuka Khantadze commented
Any news on this front?