Allow for export of all issues across all projects
I need the ability to see all issues for all projects on a daily basis and create a report. It would make it much easier to be able to select all projects and the issues for export. Right now you have to go to each project and do an export which is time consuming.

This feature is now available, from settings icon on right corner at Issue Tracker, you can select export CSV and there you can select one or multiple projects for export.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Team
Yes this is also done and waiting now for deployment as part of our next release update coming either on this Thursday or Saturday.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team -
Anonymous commented
Any Update ??
erica.kubitsky commented
It would be great to be able to have a report that will allow user to select the projects they want to bring in and then have a report that shows the following information for any project that was chosen.
1. New bugs opened and their severity (based on the create date and can have any status)
2. Closed bugs and their severity (based on the closed date and Status of Ignored, Closed, or Duplicate)
3. All open bugs, their severity, the # of days the bug has been opened, and who it's assigned to. (Open bugs status: New, In Progress, Ready for QA, Reopened, In Evaluation)Having the ability for the tool to do this, will save me about 1 hour a day and give a global view of all the project bugs for a company.