Have "remember me" actually remember me
It would be nice if the "Remember me" checkbox on the login page actually "remembered me". At least for more than the 24 hours or so it seems to remember me now. Having to log in every day is an unnecessary nuisance.
On top of that, not using an HTML label for the "Remember me" text, so you actually have to click the 10 x 10 pixel small checkbox (and not the much larger accompanying text) makes the nuisance even worse.
Please do something about this.

We have now made the “Remember me” label click able.
It seems to work fine, kindly share your browser and OS version so we can investigate further. Please send this info to support@yodiz.com
“Remember me” is reset when we patch server for some issue fix or make new release and it happens probably after 2-3 weeks.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team