Make your application's load time and response time faster.
Your application is great. But it takes 9s to load a page from scratch and about half that if its not from scratch...
There is lots of room for improvements you can do, some are:
Minification for your js, configure caching, use sprites, optimize your images, bundle styles and js, etc.
Please, please, please... make it faster... I really love your product but it hurts to see new features added when the ones already in place are not performing at its best.
Great work,

We have made number of improvements in different areas and hopefully performance is good now at major parts of the application.
Yodiz works best at Firefox and Chrome.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team
Anonymous commented
Swithching from Internet Explorer to Chrome has helped us LOTS. The performance is wonderful on Chrome.
CR commented
i think the product is speedy. good job on keeping the balance between speed and features.
Hello Jose
Thanks for liking Yodiz, what is your geographical location, it will help us more to find the getter solution
Yodiz Support