Enable some way to see estimated hours, total hours, completed hours and remaining hours of the sprint.
I have a set number of work hours based on the resources I have available in the sprint. When adding estimates to a userstory I would need to see the total sum of hours allocated to the sprint, in order to have a better idea of how much/little I can add. Then It would be fantastic to see the summary of the actual task estimates, how much has been done and how much is remaining also. The % give a good feeling, but it does not give me full control of how its looking right now just looking at the sprint.

Hi Alex,
The Sprint resource manager is now available, you can select your team members for each sprint, add off hours and then get the actual available hours for the sprint.
Also, now there are indicators for daily progress of Sprint.
Please read more details at http://yodiz.com/blog/?p=251
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team