171 results found
Color by type/owner
Color the tasks by type, owner, or anything else, not just by status.
2 votes -
color issue
in edit , any user can changue the color of the div or the windowr for the reason is because a lot of programers can have a color assigned so when a programer ends a issue one tester can see if the issue is ready for test and when the tester ends, a tester can changue the color :
for example an issue is resolved changue to green(the programer ends the issue) when te tester ends him test he can changue the issue to blue (indicating the issue resolved ) and when the tester see if the issue its not…2 votes -
Saving 'Export to CSV' settings
I would LOVE the ability to save my Export settings (the columns I choose). Either a global save (last used) or a save to a named export settings.
2 votes -
Global Epics in Dashboard
Allow global epics to be picked in dashboard plugins and/or allow epics to span multiple projects.
Right now you can have a project specific epic and track it, but only add stories from that project. Or you can have a global epic and assign stories from multiple projects but not track it in the dashboard. None of which is sufficient.
2 votesWe will add support for Global Epics to be added to Dashboard
Improve Release management UI
A better UI to manage Releases instead of a pop-up.
2 votes -
Allow stories and issues to be associated with multiple projects
I'm a web developer. I have a few cases where one company has 3 sites that are almost the same, such that i find myself fixing the same bugs on all 3 sites, and making the same stories for all 3 sites.
We need to have a way to apply a story and issue to multiple projects.
For instance, if a manager tells me "I want to have you change the logo on all of our programs", with each program being a project i'd have to enter that story multiple times for each one.
Also, if a bug is found…
2 votes -
Add a "select all" toggle to the project dropdown
Please allow us to toggle 'select all' projects in the Project dropdown. I have days wherein i want to see where all of my projects are and clicking them one by one is a pain.
2 votes -
Add Bar Chart option to Sprint Burndown Chart - allow option to show stacked bar with In-Progress, Blocked, Done Story Points
For the Sprint Burndown chart, it would be nice to have some additional formatting options. I'd like to be able to see # Story Points In-Progress, Blocked, and New/Remaining. Showing them as a stacked bar chart is a great way to view it, so a bar chart option would be helpfultoo.
2 votes -
Differenciate between 'team member' user and 'project viewer' user types
When assigning a task, I do not want to see non team members in the dropdown of available users.
I want stakeholders to be able to track the progress on the sprint board, but not show up as contributors to the sprint (can be follower, but cannot be assigned)2 votes -
link the tutorial videos to the respective pages
What is epics? How do I use this specific page? You have tutorial videos. Please put a link to them in the places where people would like to see them.
1 vote -
A User Group Associated for a Sprint
Wouldn't it be a thing to have the User Groups be associated with a particular Sprint, in a way that a Sprint Team can communicate about solely about the problems arising in that particular Sprint? Maybe all that the tool needs is a wizard that automatically creates a new user group when a new sprint is set, and adds users to that group if new members are added to the sprint team.
1 vote -
Have sub-domain for each Yodiz team.
This is only a nice-to-have feature. In Basecamp and other project management tools when one registers the team to the site one is given a sub-domain like The reason I want this is for my team to have an easy way to remember and thus access their Yodiz projects.
1 vote -
Overview of user stories of all projects belonging to a user
As an administrator it would be convenient to know the workload of a user checking all the new and in-progress user stories of all projects assigned to him/her. I could think of an overview page showing all users with a metric ( like a progress bar ) of user stories showing three colors depending of the status ( yellow, blue, green ). Clicking a user it could display an overview of the user showing his/her projects and new and in-progress user stories ( possibly grouped by project )
1 voteThis is now planned and will be done soon.
Allow your solution to be easily converted for scrum and kanban in sales management
You just need to enable the configuration of the labels for various activities. Eg. 'bugs' can be 'opportunities' etc.
1 vote -
Add facility to remove all stories from a release
I can't find a way of selecting multiple stories on the release board and moving them either to another release or back to the backlog
1 voteSorry for not correct update previously on this feedback. Here is latest information about this feature.
Currently it is possible to move user stories from one release to another or back to Product backlog through “Planning Board”. You can find planning board from Agile left menu.
We are going to offer multi select on “User Stories” view under search and filters.
You could select multiple user stories, delete them or move to another project.We will discuss if we can offer possibility there to move set of user stories to Backlog, Sprint or release.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team -
Fold Accepted User Stories on the Scrum Board
Accepted user stories with many tasks take a lot of screen estate. If a story is done and has been accepted it would be nice to "fold" it to one line in the scrum board with the option to "unfold". This would make the scrum board easier to read and not so cluttered.
1 voteHi,
Thanks for the feedback, we will discuss with our tech team and will update you about the release schedule of this feature.
It does seem that multiple clients are giving feedback about possibility of collapsing completed tasks/user stories, so we have increased priority of this feature.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team -
Auto add task with same name as user story
For simple user stories it would help if there were a faciltity to auto add a task with the same name as its parent user story.
You could add a check box to the new user story form that activates this this idea.1 voteThanks for the feedback,
We plan to add functionality of template tasks, so users can define set of pre defined tasks that can be added to user story.
It is being planned now and we will get back to you soon with more details of it’s availability.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team -
Can User Stories ordered by priority after applied filter to a person?
After apply the person filter in Scrum Board (Assigned to XXX)
The User Stories can only sorted by the User Story ID, can be sorted according to the priority of each User Stories? Thanks1 voteThanks for the feedback, we are looking into this issue and will get back to you with more detail.
Best Regards,
Yodiz Support Team -
Create new artifact type
The ability to create different artifcact type in addition to user story and bug
1 vote -
allow tracking of activity outside of stories
I'm not sure what the solution to this is... here's the story (pun intended):
We'd like to be able to track non-Sprint, non-Story work. Here are the cases. Maintenance activities or non-feature based work... like "setup server," or "investigate Capistrano..." We've been splitting tasks like this between stories and bugs but neither really fit.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?