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  2. Cant delete any boards

    Archive and Delete buttons are non existent

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  3. Differenciate between 'team member' user and 'project viewer' user types

    When assigning a task, I do not want to see non team members in the dropdown of available users.
    I want stakeholders to be able to track the progress on the sprint board, but not show up as contributors to the sprint (can be follower, but cannot be assigned)

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  4. Automatically associate a duplicate User story

    When we duplicate a user story, we would like to automatically associate the new US with the existing US.

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  5. Drag and drop US in flexboard doestn work with "done" column

    If i drag US and put it to done column, system will start to process this action but will not finish, US is in column done, but without status done and after refresh flexboard move this US to first column type - in progress. Its US with tasks. If i use select from US card and choose done, it will change all tasks status to done and US will be also done - and thats what we need with d&d function.

    If d&d works like this, me and at least two teams will be really happy and it will prevent…

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  6. Drag and drop not working on Windows 10 Touch Screen

    I am not able to get drag and drop to work on a touch screen (computer has Windows 10 OS). I have tried multiple browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, and MS Edge). I’m wondering if this is something in the web programming that can be changed to facilitate touch screen drag and drop. Need this to move tasks across scrum board. I was hoping to set up a large touch screen monitor to run the Daily Scrum meetings where this would make it really easy to interactively move things around without having to grab a mouse and keyboard.

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  7. Add Bar Chart option to Sprint Burndown Chart - allow option to show stacked bar with In-Progress, Blocked, Done Story Points

    For the Sprint Burndown chart, it would be nice to have some additional formatting options. I'd like to be able to see # Story Points In-Progress, Blocked, and New/Remaining. Showing them as a stacked bar chart is a great way to view it, so a bar chart option would be helpfultoo.

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  8. Moving a Task to "Blocked" does not auto-update the User Story Status

    The status for a User Story is not automatically changing to Blocked when a Task is moved to Blocked... it remains as "in-progress". I'd like to see the User Story change the "Blocked" if one of its children Tasks are in "Blocked" status.

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  9. The "show weekend" option when un-checked is showing T-S not M-F on the Sprint Burndown chart

    When the "show weekends" box is un-checked on the Sprint Burndown Chart. It is showing Tuesday through Saturday for me not Monday through Friday.

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  10. With czech keyboard setting is imposible to write "3" into tag name

    I dont know why, when i want to write name of tag with number 3, i need to use numeric keyboard (which many of people in our company dont have), or switch to english keyboard. In czech version, hitting SHIFT and number 3 on top of keyboard doesnt work. other numbers work. It happens only in tags.

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  11. Allow the filtering of the backlog/issue tracker excluding a particular tag

    I have hundreds of issues in my issue tracker - currently I can find no way to apply a tag to a small number of items and then remove these from view using a tag filter.

    Something like "NOT #example" or similar would be good, as it then follows conventions in SQL Server

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  12. Paging of backlog not working correctly

    When you have 50+ stories on the backlog and you go to the 2nd page of, the button for the 2nd page disapears
    Even when you go back to the first page it stays hidden, and the amount of stories found is also limited to only the first page.

    This if fixable to change the amount of stories shown

    [prev][1][2][next] Displaying 1 - 50 of 53

    on clicking next/2 it becomes:
    [prev][1][next] Displaying 51 - 53 of 3

    finaly when clicking prev/1:
    [prev][1][next] Displaying 1 - 50 of 50

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  13. The epics list of the planning board should exclude user stories already completed

    The epics list (left list) of the planning board should exclude user stories already completed.

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  14. Daily Email Summary

    Add an option in the profile to allow for a daily summary update email instead of being emailed every time something changes.

    At the moment when you start a project or are setting up Yodiz you get lots of emails as Epics, Stories and Tasks are created and updated. It would be good to have a "Setup Mode" where you can select to get a summary email daily instead of all of the individual emails.

    Once the project is underway and the right people are assigned to the right pieces you can turn individual notifications back on again.

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  15. US belongs to more Epics

    Let User Stories to belong to more Epics

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  16. Use estimated hours of user stories in sprint resource manager

    Use estimated hours of user stories (plan estimate field) in sprint resource manager (add option to use hours estimated on tasks or on user stories).

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  17. Show components on cards

    I want to see components on the cards.
    I can add components to the US TK BG and i can filter on it but it's not made visual yet.

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  18. Epics, US, TK.

    There could be an intermediate status for disaggregated epics (before it becoming a User Story)

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  19. customised tickets against a user story

    Allow customised tickets to be logged against user stories for discussion points in addition to tasks.

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  20. Add a "select all" toggle to the project dropdown

    Please allow us to toggle 'select all' projects in the Project dropdown. I have days wherein i want to see where all of my projects are and clicking them one by one is a pain.

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